Brief Introduction
Dr. Ambili R completed BDS, MDS and PhD from Government Dental College, Trivandrum. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians, Glasgow, UK. She works as Research Director, Professor, and Head of the Department of Periodontics at PMS College of Dental Science and Research, Trivandrum. She has more than 19 years of teaching experience and is currently guiding 6 Ph D students at the Kerala University of Health Sciences. She is the recipient of the Best Teacher award by KUHS in the year 2022 and currently serving as a member of the UG board of studies at KUHS. She has published 24 articles and 3 book chapters in Scopus/web of Science indexed journals, received one Indian patent and 2 funded projects, and guided 6 funded projects.
Research Area
Periodontics specifically molecular mechanisms, local drug delivery, periodontal microbiome.
Completed Research Projects
- Completed research on the topic “The expression of transcription factors NF κB and STAT3 in periodontal disease and evaluation of efficacy of a herbal drug andrographolide for periodontal therapy” as part of PhD under University of Kerala
- Done thesis on “Expression of activated NF-ĸB in human periodontal tissues – comparison of healthy and periodontitis patients – An Immunohistochemical study as part of partial fulfillment for the course of Master of Dental Surgery in Periodontics.
- Completed a clinical trial as principal investigator on the topic “Efficacy of a herbal mouthwash in the management of periodontitis” which was supported by Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology and Kottaykkal aryavaidya shala
- Completed a clinical trial as principal investigator on the topic “Efficacy of a herbal mouthwash in the management of periodontitis” which was supported by Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology and Ceego Pvt Ltd, Chennai
- “Development of a novel oral bandage for apthous ulcer” received a funding of Rs 10,00,000 under Department of Science and Technology (DST), NIDHI PRAYAS Scheme of Government of IndiaMentored 2 undergraduate students who received ICMR STS fellowship 2022 and 2023 for Rs 50,000/
Guided the following studies for MDS (Master of Dental Surgery at KUHS)
- “Academic stress & Periodontal health among dental undergraduates- a longitudinal study using salivary biomarkers”
- “Estimation of lipid peroxidation by products and non-enzymatic antioxidants in saliva of chronic periodontitis patients before and after phase I periodontal therapy”
- Evaluation of efficacy of green tea catechin gel-local drug delivery in management of chronic periodontitis”- a randomized controlled trial
- Expression of NF-kB in periodontal tissues of diabetic and non-diabetic periodontitis patients
- Expression of IL-33mRNA in diseased and healthy periodontal tissues
- “Estimation of procalcitonin levels before and after scaling and root planing in chronic periodontitis patients – a comparative study”
- “Estimation of IL-33 in saliva of chronic generalized periodontitis patients and periodontally healthy individuals – A comparative study”
- “Estimation of salivary glycated albumin in chronic periodontitis patients with and without type II diabetes mellitus before and after nonsurgical periodontal therapy”
- Evaluation of the efficacy of a probiotic as an adjunct to scaling and root planning in the treatment of periodontitis: A randomised controlled trial
- Comparative evaluation of treatment of infrabony defect with PRF alone or in combination with biphasic calcium phosphate bone graft: A randomised controlled clinical trial
- Effect of irrigation with ozonized water during ultrasonic scaling in management of periodontitis-a randomized controlled clinical trial
- Estimation of serum vitamin D3 in periodontally healthy and diseases individuals
- “The Role of injectable platelet rich fibrin (iPRF) in increasing the gingival thickness and modifying the thin gingival phenotype”-A split mouth study
- Salivary fructosamine in periodontal health and disease – A case control study
- Serum fructosamine in periodontal health and disease- A case control study
- Estimation of salivary lipoxin A4 (LXA4) before and after nonsurgical periodontal therpay in advanced periodontitis patients: a quasi-experimental study
- Estimation of salivary lipoxin A4 levels in periodontally healthy individuals and patients with gingivitis: a comparative study