PhD Guide – Dr. Afzal A

Dr Afzal A - Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

Brief Introduction

Dr. Afzal A completed BDS, MDS, from Rajas Dental College Tamilnadu. He works as Professor in Department of Conservative Dentistry at PMS College Of Dental Sciences , Trivandrum. He has more than 17 years of teaching experience and currently got approved as PhD Guide from Kerala University Of Health sciences, Thrissur . He has published articles and undergoing process in funding projects.


Post Graduate Thesis Work

  • Comparative evaluation of apical extrusion of debris using protaper next, twisted files, and one shape file- an in vitro study- Dr. Shemil Mohammed Sha(2015-2018)
  • Effect of diode laser, manual dynamic agitation and passive ultrasonics on smear layer removal from the pulp space using maleic acid as irrigant: An sem study- Dr. Saranya S Nair (2016-2019)
  • Comparative evaluation of cyclic fatigue resistance in rotation, reciprocation and adaptive motion of rotary ni-ti files – dr.sandeep chandran (2017-2020)
  • An in-vitro comparison of apical microleakage with four different root end filling materials using glucose penetration leakage method – Dr Shinu Lal (2018-2021)
  • Marginal leakage determination of four different direct restoration materials in class ii restorations using glucose infiltration. An in vitro stereomicroscopic analysis- Dr. Swathy Sukumaran  (2019-2022)
  • Flexural strength of endodontically treated teeth with different access filling materials at varying depths: A comparative in vitro study – Dr.Divya. GS (2020-2023)
  • Adhesion of zinc oxide, mta, silicone and epoxy resin based sealers in endodontically treated root canals conditioned with 0.2% chitosan: And invitro study-  Dr. Athira Ramesh (2021-2024)
  • Comparative evaluation of antibacterial efficacy of nanochitosan, nanozincoxide, triphala based irrigants with 5.25 % sodium hypochlorite on enterococcus faecalis: An invitro study- Dr. Bindiya S Kumar  (2021-2025)
  • Evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of root canal sealer incorporated with psidium guajava leaves extract coated gold nanoparticles against e.feacalis- an invitro study – Dr. Charutha Arun   (2022-2025)
  • An in-vitro comparative study of the shear bond strength of different composite resins on bleached enamel after treatment with sodium ascorbate, alpha tocopherol and herbal based antioxidants.  Dr. Savithri Devi. G  (2022-2025)
  • Immediate and long term porosity of various sealers in root canals obturated with ultrasonically plasticized gutta percha technique – an in vitro study  Dr. Priya. KC (2023-2026)
  • Determination of surface roughness and colour stability of nanohybrid, nanofilled, submicron hybrid composites exposed to different mouth rinses – an invitro study  Dr. Teena Jerry (2023-2026)


List of Publications Indexed in WOS, SCOPUS & MEDLINE

  1. Afzal A, Gopal VR, Pillai R, Jacob AS, U-Nu S, Shan S. Fracture resistance of teeth undergoing postendodontic bleaching: Comparison of four treatment modalities–An in vitro study
  2. Dr.Nikhil Murali, Rajesh Pillai, N.O.Varghese, Afzal Abdul Salim, Jyothilekshmi, Shemil SHah, Sandeep and mahesh vol 20 he effect of different rootcanal irrigants when activated with endo activator and manual dynamic agitation on enterococcus faecalis a comparative in vitro evaluation  2020 SSN:2249-4618 & Print ISSN:0975-5888
  3. Jyothilekshmi, rajesh pillai, n.o.varghese, afzal abdul salim, sheila george, nikhil murali, geetha, praveena vol 20 issue 2 version 1.0 Influence of metallurgy and file design in micro crack formation in root canals an invitro study  ISSN 2249-4618 & print ISSN:0975-5888
  4. Nikhil,jyothi,iqbal,varghese no, pillai, abdul salim 2018:3(1)(11-16) Effect of herbal alternative irrigant on microhardness of root canal dentin after instrumentation with thermomechanically treated NiTi instruments conservative endodntic journal
  5. Abdul Afzal  Antony,pillai r, vargheseno, workinglength determination in simulated apical resorption and horizontal root fracture using rootZXand a new integrated apex locator – an invitro study-  Conservative and endodontic journal
  6. Afzal, Nandakumar maya, rex ignatious s Comparison of Anti Fungal Efficacy of Three Root Canal Irrigants on Candida Albicans Biofilm An Invitro Study 2011 No.1, Vol-1 22-27
  7. Zachariah rk, khalam sa, raghavanpillai vb, salim aa.lag screw fixation in anterior mandibular fractures. international journal of dental clinics. 2014;(1):11-13
  8. Antony , raj pillai, varghese no, Afzal   Fracture resistance of teeth undergoing post endontic bleaching comparison of four treatment modalities- an invitro study –  Endodontology- 2019
  9. Afzal. a, govid murali, Accidental Injuries to the teeth: An over view – 2011 – 98-10  Accidental Injuries to the teeth: An over view – Kerala dental journal
  10. Salim a.a Sujathan u, pillai rajesh, sainudeen s.a, , Treatment Options of Young Permanent Immature Teeth- A Review 2015, 1, 9 -15 – Kerala dental journal
  11. Pillai R, Abdulsalim A Sujathan UN, Jacob AS, , Sainudeen S. Hard tissue lasers: An insight  journal of interdisciplinary dentistry. 2014
  12. Sasdharan S, Chitharanjan G, Sujathan UN, Pillai R, Jacob AS, Salim AA  Endodontic management of a maxillary central incisor with an unusual anatomy diagnosed using spiral CT: A case report. Endodontology 2014
  13. Ramachandran A, Salim AA Lekshmi BJ, Pillai R, Varghese NO, , Sujathan U-Nu. Effect of Conditioning on Adhesion of Glass Ionomer Cements to Dentin.- Conservative dentistry and endodontic journal 2018
  14. Murali N, Lekshmi BJ, Sha I, Pillai R, Varghese NO, Afzal AS. Effect of Herbal Alternative Irrigant (Green Tea Polyphenols) on the Microhardness of Root Canal Dentin after Instrumentation with Thermomechanically Treated NiTi Instruments: An in vitro Study. Conservative dentistry and endodontic journal 2018
  15. Lekshmi J, Nair SS, Pillai R, Varghese NO, Salim AA, Murali N  Spectrophotometric Analysis of Color Changes in Enamel Following Exposure to Herbal Bleaching Agents: An In Vitro Study. Conservative dentistry and endodontic journal 2018