The PMS College of Dental Science & Research, Vattappara, Trivandrum is set amidst greenery blessed by nature’s bounty. A nature club has been instituted with the objective to promote, monitor and operate environmentally sustainable activities including love for nature and protection of environment. The nature club members enthusiastically participate and monitor activities like tree planting, waste water management, rain water harvesting, pisciculture, apiculture and organic farming.
The campus has initiated pisciculture activities and has fishpond raising the cultivation of 1200 tilapia fishes in 6000 litre two artificial ponds.

The PMS campus also have a good colony of honey bees with 20 apiaries in 20 cents land producing 140 liters of honey in favorable seasons. In fact, the Nature club members have hectic schedule in all environment friendly activities.
Wastewater Management
Waste water collected from all clinics, hostel buildings and all other buildings in the campus is routed to the two sewage and effluent treatment plant properly treated and used for the plant and green meadow in the campus.
Biogas Plant
The College hostel has an intake capacity of 400 students, running full time kitchen and producing kitchen waste and other food waste products. These are all deposited in the Biogas plant installed producing 800-kilogram gas per day which is used for the cooking stoves.
Rainwater Harvesting
The College and hostel buildings with 40,000 sq ft has good scope for Rain water harvesting and from the properly connected pipes in the terrace area ensured seepage of rain water pouring to the nearby underground tank of Two lakh litres.
Water Purification System
The campus has a pond nearby and best efforts are made to utilize water from this water source after purification and filtration by a small plant with 12,000 litres per hour capacity.
Organic Farming
For the proper management of waste materials, biodegradable materials are used for organic farming in 1.5 acres of land raising vegetable cultivation.

Miyawaki Forest
The PMS campus is beautified by serene land scape with ornamental palm trees. The campus hosts a Miyawaki forest raising different species of 54 plants attracting varied flora and fauna and in few years the growth is expected to be similar to a sacred grove.