Extension Activities

Extension Activities

National Service Scheme (NSS)
PMS College of Dental Science & Research is actively conducting NSS activities to develop personality of students through community service and in return they shall strive for the well being of society. It also reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for self less service.

NSS is evolved under the supervision of former program officer Dr Vivek V and currently Dr Vinod Nair is the program officer. Students from 1st year, 2nd year were enrolled an NSS volunteer and they play a vital role in providing oral health care with dedication. As a part of NSS activity dental camps and vaccination drives are conducted around the district. During covid outbreak NSS volunteers actively engaged in screening patients from the high-risk area and created an awareness about social distancing and importance of usage protective barriers.

Student Support and Guidance Program (SSGP)

Student’s Support guidance program (SSGP) was initiated in PMS College of Dental Science and Research as a part of a holistic student support Guidance programme (2017) initiated by Kerala University of Health Science (KUHS). The program was implemented for health professionals to improve overall performance of students.

The emphasis given in this programme is focussing on holistic development of students by addressing their issues like
1. Academic and scholastic issue
2. Psycho social issues
3. Physical and reproductive health
Nodal officers will use guided counselling as an initial interventional strategy to help the students.

Anti-Narcotic Cell

As a part of Kerala government Anti Narcotic Activity under the name Vimukthi Anti – Narcotic Activity Club was formed in PMS College of Dental Science and Research.

Aim of this club is to make students understand the ill effects of drug abuse and to create an awareness among the students.

The club consists of 50 members including student representatives and staff members.  Student representatives forms the office bearers of the club. As a part of awareness program essay competitions and other activities were regularly conducted.

Anti-Ragging Cell

PMS College of Dental Science and Research have constituted an anti-ragging cell with the following objectives.

  1. To keep a continuous watch and vigil over ragging so as to prevent its occurrence and recurrence.
  2. To promptly deal with the incidents of ragging brought to its notice avid summarily punish the guilty either by itself or by putting-forth its finding/recommendation/suggestions before the authority competent to take decision.

Anti-ragging Rules and Regulations >>

Extension & Outreach Activities – Program Report >>