CDE 2013

CDE 2013

CDE 2013

“Micro-dentistry – The Future”
CDE Program Organized by the Department of Conservative Dentistry

As part of the Decennial Celebrations, the department of Conservative Dentistry at P.M.S College of Dental Science and Research, Trivandrum organized an interstate C.D.E program titled “Micro-Dentistry – The future”.

Topic of Micro surgical Endodontics was chosen with at most case, as it opens up a whole new world for the Endodontists and also for the general practitioners. Concepts have evolved over the last decade with the focus shifting from Conventional Surgical Endodontics to Micro Surgery.

Two National Speakers Dr. P.D. Joshi, Consultant at Lilavathi hospital and Medical Research Centre, Mumbai and Dr. Vivek Hegde, Professor and HOD at Rangoonwal College of Dental Sciences and Research, Pune addressed the gathering.

A tremendous response was witnessed for the scientific deliberations with teaching faculty and post graduate students attending from 5 dental colleges in Tamilnadu and Kerala states individually.

Two lectures spanning a total of 3 hours was followed by a hands on surgical demonstration of a root end surgery in which a large Periepical cyst was enucleated, root end resection done followed by placement of M.T.A. Six credit points were allotted for the program by Kerala State Dental Council.


“Bio medical research – enhance your skills in Evaluating, Presenting & Publishing”
– CDE by Dept. of Oral Medicine and Surgery

A Continuing Dental Education programme titled “Bio medical research – enhance your skills in Evaluating, Presenting & Publishing” was held at PMS College of Dental Science on 13/3/2013.


The programme was unique in nature considering the topics covered. The special feature of the CDE was that the speakers were faculties from PMS Dental College.


The programme aimed at providing information on


  1. Selecting reference / key articles
  2. Improving presentation skills during lectures/journal clubs/seminars
  3. Evaluating the statistical correctness in the key article/

Dr Vivek V, Prof & HOD, Dept: of Oral medicine lectured on “Critical evaluation of scientific articles”

Dr Rajesh Pillai, Prof & HOD, Dept: of conservative dentistry lectured on “Enhance your presentation skills”

Dr Suvy Manuel, Reader, Dept of Oral and maxillofacial surgery lectured on “How to get published”

Prof .Muraleedharan Nair, Prof of Biostatistics talked on “How good and appropriate is the statistical analysis in a research article”

The organizing team of the CDE were as follows;

Patron: Dr P S Thaha (Chairman)

Organising chairman: Dr N O Varghese ( Principal)

Organising secretary: Dr Sherin A Khalam

Treasurer: Dr Afzal A

The CDE was well attended by senior faculties and Post graduates of various specialities from Dental Colleges all over Kerala. Faculties from neighbouring Dental colleges from Tamilnadu also attended the CDE.

The lectures were well appreciated and the general feedback was that the delegates found the talks useful and informative.

“Advances in Soft Tissue Grafting” –
CDE by Department of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry

As part of the academic advancement programme a CDE programme on “Advances in soft tissue grafting” with Lecture, Live Demo, Panel Discussion and Hands-On course was conducted by the Department of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry of PMS College of Dental Science and Research on 22nd March 2013.

Soft tissue grafting still remains a challenge to many periodontists and so this CDE programme with live demonstration of surgical case of papilla reconstruction with connective tissue graft, panel discussion and hands-on course by eminent periodontists provided latest knowledge about soft tissue grafting. An internal training programme for post graduate students of Department of Periodontics was conducted on 23rd March 2013 with surgical cases on management of gingival recession and papilla reconstruction.

The faculty for the programme was Dr Joann Pauline George, Professor, Department of Perioodntics at Krishnedevaraya Dental College, Bangalore. Panel discussion was moderated by Dr K Nandakumar and other panel members Dr Rosamma Joseph, Dr Flemingson Lazarus, Dr Harikumar Menon and Dr Baiju RM.

The organizing team of the CDE were as follows:

Patron: Dr P S Thaha (Chairman)

Organizing Chairman: Dr N O Varghese (Principal)

Organizing Secretary: Dr Seba Abraham

Scientific Committee: Dr Ambili R, Dr Reejamol MK

Reception and Registration: Dr Preeja C, Dr Archana V

The programme was well attended by senior faculty members in the field of Periodontics, General practitioners, Post graduate students from dental colleges all over Kerala and also from Tamilnadu.

The programme was well appreciated and was successful in enriching the delegates with latest knowledge about soft tissue management. Six credit points were allotted for the program by Kerala State Dental Council.

Hands on Course on MBT Technique
Conducted on June 7th , 8th, and 9th of 2013


A comprehensive 3 day hands on workshop on MBT technique was organised by Department of orthodontics. Eminent academician and renowned clinician Dr. Sadasiva Shetty was the course Director. He was ably assisted by his faculty members Dr. Shrinivas Raju and Dr. kiran Kumar. Clinicians and post graduate students from all over the India participated in the Course. Astounding success of this course gauged by the enthusuaistic participation of clinicians will be a trigger for future scientific programs.

CDE Program- Implant OverDenture-
Conducted on 22 and 23 JUNE 2013.

Department of Prosthodontics in association with the CDE Wing organized a CDE Program – Implant OverDenture at P.M.S College of Dental Science and Research, Trivandrum.

Implant overdenture therapy which is a commonly accepted method of providing tooth replacement therapy for the edentulous mandible. This simulation hand-on course provided an in-depth practical course that discussed treatment planning, indications and contraindications to implant therapy, surgical implant placement, loading protocols followed by clinical and laboratory steps needed to reline and/or the intraoral refitting of existing dentures with over denture attachments.

The emphasis of this course was on free-standing overdenture attachments although there was a discussion and demonstration on the use of implants supported bar-overdenture including implant retained and implant supported overdenture in the maxilla as well as use of Implants for retention of Removable Partial Dentures. The indications, complications and maintenance issues with each approach was discussed.

Objectives for the Course:

Understand the anatomic issues that must be addressed in treatment planning of mandibular implant overdenture therapy,

Understand the impact of implant placement on the selection, duration of healing, restoration and durability of implant overdenture attachment systems,

Understand the clinical steps involved in implant overdenture reline procedures

Understand the clinical steps involved in retrofitting existing complete dentures to anterior mandibular implants.

Understand the differences in use of Implant overdenture in the Maxilla.

Understand the application of implant attachments for retention of Removable Partial Dentures.

Two National Speakers, Dr. Hormzd.K.Vakil and Dr.Srinivas Rao addressed the gathering.

A tremendous response was witnessed for the scientific deliberations with teaching faculty and post graduate students attending from 5 dental colleges in Tamilnadu and Kerala states individually.

Four lectures spanning a total of 6 hours was followed by a hands on surgical demonstration of Implant over denture on the first day. The second day concluded with hands-on by the participants on dummy models. 12 credit points were allotted for the program by Kerala State Dental Council.



A Continuing Dental Education programme titled CERTIFICATE PROGRAM IN LASER DENTISTRY was held at PMS College of Dental Science on 6,7AND 8 DECEMBER 2013.

The programme was unique in nature considering the topics covered. The Certificate Program in laser dentistry is offered by PMS College of Dental Science & Research, Thiruvananthapuram. The said Certificate Program was a well planned & thoughtfully designed curricular program spread over 3 Days of Didactic & hands-on training. The special feature of the CDE was that the speakers were faculties from PMS Dental College.


  • The programme aimed at providing information on
  • Knowledge into the safe and efficacious use of Lasers in clinical practice.
  • Competency skills for the proficient use of laser in Dentistry
  • Includes Didadic Instruction, hands on clinical simulation, exercises with clinical case studies and optional mentor guided surgeries.
  • Assessment of treatment objectives and their limitations through a fundamental understanding of laser tissue biologic interactions, laser properties and parameters.

The organizing team of the CDE were as follows;

Patron: Dr P S Thaha (Chairman)

Organising Chairman: Dr N O Varghese (Principal)

Organising secretary: Dr Sherin A. Khalam

Coordinator: Dr.Vinod Mony



Dr.Alex Mathews.M

Dr.Rajesh Pillai.

The CDE was well attended by senior faculties and Post graduates of various specialities from Dental Colleges all over Kerala. Faculties from neighboring Dental colleges from Tamilnadu also attended the CDE. The lectures were well appreciated and the general feedback was that the delegates found the talks useful and informative.