Best Practice 1
- To give a real picture of rural living conditions & their health problems of the community to the students.
- To improve students’ communication skills .
- To provide the best available treatment options and to cater to patients of all socio – economic classes, ensuring cent percent health awareness and tobacco cessation.
- The Institution has conducted a rural health survey activity in the curriculum of undergraduate.
- Five families to be allotted to each group comprising of Undergraduate students[ IST – IVTHYear ] Interns, Post Graduate Students and faculties.
- The groups will function under the guidance of Faculty incharge and will visit the families allotted to them.
- In this visit, students record patient details and social demographic information in their journals.
- Follow up visits are also planned. In these visits, information about health profile, environment factors, dietary history & nutritional status, socio-cultural factors, family planning, immunization status, addictions, consanguineous marriages and vital statistics will be recorded.
- Students make rapport with families & collect data using questionnaire during visits.
- Records will be maintained, and marks will be kept for journal in internal assessments .
- Needy persons are given health education and referral to our hospital.
Evidence of success:
Benefits to family:
- Creating awareness about Oral Health Care.
- People get information regarding health services available in health centers, Information about special OPD schedule and the various treatment options available.
- Information regarding health insurance schemes run by Government MSW helps to connect these families.
Benefits to students:
- Early exposure to rural community: Living conditions, rural environment, and healthproblems, social and cultural factors.
- Early clinical exposure.
- Learn communication skills.
- Learn responsibilities towards community as physician of first contact.
- Development of bioethical skills.
- Overcome language barriers.
- Research orientation – Formulation of aims and objectives, methodology, data collection and analysis,report writing and presentation.
Presentation skills:
- Skills in handling computer and its application, team work and coordination.
Hands on training in biostatistics: Data collection, data feeding, analysis, making tables and graphs.
Problems encounter and resources required:
- Time slot given is short.
- Require additional staff & vehicles for transportation.
Co-operation from villagers.