Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Types of Articles
Journal of maxillofacial science and research intends to publish case reports (New / interesting / rare cases/ Cases with clinical significance and interdisciplinary cases), original articles and short communications. We prefer evidence based narrative and systematic reviews and prior permission should be obtained from editor before submitting review articles.

Preparing your manuscript
All manuscripts must be written in English and prepared as Microsoft Word documents. Margins should be at least 1” on both sides and top and bottom. Use 1.5 spacing throughout. Number pages consecutively, beginning with the title page. Original articles should be written under the following headings: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text by Arabic numerals in superscript. At the end of the article references should be listed in Vancouver Style.

Article Structure
Submitted manuscript should contain the following:

  • Cover page file
  • Article file
  • Figures if any

Cover page file: Include cover letter and title page and should be submitted separately. Cover letter should include copyright transfer agreement duly signed by corresponding author. Title page should include type of manuscript, concise and informative title of the article, running title, name of the authors (maximum of 6) with institutional affiliation and the name, address, phone numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author. It should also include total number of figures and tables. Any conflict of interest and source of funding should be mentioned in the title page itself.

Article file: Include abstract (maximum 250 words, structured abstract with objectives, methodology, results and conclusions) along with minimum 3-5 keywords, Main text, References, Acknowledgments if any, tables and figure legends. Word limit excluding references and abstract for:

  • Original research articles up to 3000 words, up to 40 references;
  • Short Communication up to 1000 words with maximum 5 references;
  • Case reports Up to 2000 words up to 20 references;
  • Review articles up to 3000 words, up to 40 references.

Tables should be self-explanatory and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in the order of their appearance in the text and type each table on separate sheets of paper; A brief descriptive title should be supplied for each table. Explanations, including abbreviations, should be listed as footnotes, not in the heading.

Images: Images should be sent separately and legends for the figures/images should be included at the end of the article file. They should be clearly numbered in the order in which it appear in the text Submit good quality colour images preferably in JPG or TIFF format with file size no more than 5 MB and with minimum of 300dpi resolution. Please note that the combined number of tables and/or figures should not exceed six.

Books for review: Books and monographs will be reviewed based on their relevance to Journal of Maxillofacial Science and Research readers. Books should be sent to the editor and will become property of Journal of Maxillofacial Science and Research.

Copy right: Submission of manuscripts implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of published lectures, review or thesis) or it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in either the same or another language without the permission of copyright holders. The authors are instructed to submit the copyright statement in the cover letter. The copyright covers the exclusive rights of reproduction, distribution, photographic reprints, video cassettes and other similar formats. The views or opinions expressed by the authors are their own. The journal bears no responsibility whatsoever. The editors and publishers can accept no legal responsibility for any errors, omissions or opinions expressed by authors. The publisher makes no warranty, for expression implied with respect to the material contained therein. The journal is edited and published under the direction of the editorial board who reserve the right to reject any material without giving explanations. All communications should be addressed to the editor.