Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission

  • To be an outstanding Dental & Research Institute of International repute for producing dental professionals with skills, knowledge and values.
  • Promote sustainable development of Dental and allied Health Education, consistent with statutory and regulatory requirements.
  • Plan and continuously provide excellent infrastructure, learning resources required for quality education and innovations.
  • Stimulate, to extend the frontiers of knowledge, through Faculty Development and Continuing Education Programs.
  • Impart awareness on Dental Science and Oral Health to the society with special reference to Educational Institutions.
  • Make research a significant activity involving Staff, Students and Society.
  • Promote collaborations with Regional, National and International Institutions
  • Establish healthy and regular interactions with all stakeholders for vision oriented growth.
  • Fulfill the National Obligation through participation and contribution to National Health Programs.
  • Provide regular value based education to the students.