Master of Dental Surgery (MDS)

Master of Dental Surgery (MDS)

  • MDS in Prosthodontics- 5 seats - Approved by Govt. of India
  • MDS in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery- 5 seats - Approved by Govt. of India
  • MDS in Periodontics-5 seats - Approved by Govt. of India
  • MDS in Conservative Dentistry-5 seats - Approved by Govt. of India
  • MDS in Oral Medicine and Radiology-3 seats - Approved by Govt. of India
  • MDS in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology-3 seats - Approved by Govt. of India
  • MDS in Orthodontics-5 seats - Approved by Govt. of India
  • MDS in Pedodontics-5 seats - Approved by Govt. of India